Pittman Plastic Surgery

Tightening Plastic Surgery Laws: Florida Signs Liposuction Location Law into Affect

New Liposuction Laws

Plastic Surgery Although the decision to undergo plastic surgery is becoming increasingly popular, it is not one that should be taken lightly. As a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Ed Pittman always recommends that their patients thoroughly examine their motives for cosmetic surgery as well as any potential procedure and provider.

It’s important to ensure that your surgeon is qualified and that their operating facility is safe. Due to the lack of national plastic surgery laws and increased patient complication risks, the governor of Florida recently signed a law into effect that will require Florida physicians to only perform liposuction in licensed locations.

Licensed locations include hospitals and surgical suites with life-saving equipment and physicians who have received basic life support training. The law was written in response to more than a dozen liposuction-related deaths in Florida alone. Many of these deaths could have been prevented with access to life-saving equipment and a staff prepared to respond quickly.

Pittman Plastic Surgery’s AAAHC-accredited surgical suite complies with all local and state surgical suite mandates as well as rigorous inspection points stipulated by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care; however not every cosmetic treatment provider is as prepared. As we’ve discussed before, it’s most important to only entrust a board-certified plastic surgeon. It’s also important that you understand the potential risks associated with each type of procedure and the best ways to avoid them.

Since there are no Georgia laws currently in place about operating in licensed locations, it’s up to the patient to educate themselves prior to surgery. Dr. Pittman uses outlets like his plastic surgery blog and website to help communicate the specific facial plastic surgery, breast surgery, and body contouring procedures available and their associated risks. Generally speaking, it’s also important for patients to only undergo surgery if they are in good overall health and are non-smokers or have stopped smoking.

During your research, be sure to review your prospective surgeon’s plastic surgery before and after photos to get an idea of what he or she can accomplish. If you’re interested in learning more about the procedures Dr. Pittman performs, visit our website or contact us today.

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