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Our Philosophy
The Symbol of a New Beginning | Ancient Writing, Modern Wisdom
Around twenty years ago, I received a phone call from a college friend I had not heard from in several years. I immediately recognized the excitement in his voice. “Ed, I have found the most amazing place on earth. You must come out and see!” Without really thinking the matter through, my response was, “Ok, I’m coming. Oh… where are you?” Through a bizarre set of coincidences and sequences, I found myself on a plane headed for Santa Fe, New Mexico within the next week. My friend had arranged to meet me at the airport. We then drove approximately sixty miles toward the northeast to Bandelier National Monument. After arriving at the park, my friend led me on about a three-mile hike where I soon found myself on a remote trail, one rarely traveled by most tourists. There, my friend’s promise was realized, as I saw before me, truly, one of the most amazing places on earth.
We entered a canyon that was dotted with cliff dwellings once occupied by a great race of people called the Anasazi Indians. Archeologists believe they occupied the area from at least 1,500 B.C., until the end of the 13th century. For three awe-inspiring days, we were alone with the remnants of a miraculous way of life. We witnessed outstanding architecture, ingenuity and, most profound to me at the time, petroglyphs. One symbol that struck me in particular, during this magical journey, was the spiral. My life was forever enriched and blessed by this visit with the Anasazi Indians, and the spiral has come to personally represent the culmination of those events.
Upon returning home, the image of the spiral continued to present itself in my everyday life. Finally, I gave in to the constant reminder and decided to conduct a little research into what it means for other people. I found words like balance, progress, direction, centering, expanding, awareness, connection, femininity and development, all in association with my favorite petroglyph. Remarkably, these words beautifully encapsulated what my excursion to New Mexico meant to me. In fact, the meaning perfectly represented what I wished to offer my patients. Needless to say, when it came time to choose a symbol for my business, the answer was obvious. In fact, I felt more like the spiral chose me, as if to say, “You have an opportunity here in your medical practice. Never forget your responsibility to aspire to your very best, which is represented in the spiral and with the gifts that are presented you.”

Never forget your responsibility to aspire to your very best.