Pittman Plastic Surgery

How Should I Prep for My Facelift?

How Should I Prep for My Facelift

Facelift Surgery

Are you planning on undergoing a facelift procedure, but not sure how best to prep for your facelift at pittmin?

No problem – read on to discover the four best ways to prep for your facelift surgery and recovery.

The 4 Best Ways to Prep for Your Facelift

1. Plan for your recovery

Your recovery is critical to achieving your best facelift results – that’s why we recommend investing in your recovery plan ahead of time.

As soon as you’ve set a date for your facelift procedure, start mapping out what you need in order to successfully recover. Book your vacation or sick time from work well in advance, so you don’t have to worry about coverage while you’re out. Additionally, arrange for family, friends, or professional caretakers to check in on you during that pivotal first week of recovery, when your movement may be most limited.

And don’t forget to have fun! Plan out what TV shows you’ll be catching up on, or grab the latest thriller you’ve been meaning to read. Either way, you’ll have the downtime, so make sure it’s time you can actually enjoy.

2. Avoid taking certain medications

If you take blood-thinning medications or herbal supplements, talk to your doctor about temporary cessation. As facelift requires surgery, you’ll want to stop taking certain medications in order to reduce your chances of experiencing a blood clot or excessive bleeding.

3. Stop smoking if you haven’t already

Like with specific medications, you should refrain from all nicotine (cigarettes, gum, patches, vapes) at least four weeks before and after your facelift surgery procedure. This means smoking of all kinds, so even if you engage in recreational smoking, you should stop in order to reduce your risk of experiencing complications during surgery.

4. Mentally prepare for what’s ahead

Facelift surgery has high patient satisfaction ratings, but the recovery process can be a bit arduous. Results won’t be instantaneous, so you should mentally prepare yourself for a few weeks of bruising, swelling, and general discomfort. 

Be sure to talk to your plastic surgeon if you have any concerns over what your facelift recovery process will look like.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn what else you can do to prep for your facelift procedure? Schedule your consultation at Pittman Plastic Surgery in Athens, GA. Pittman Plastic Surgery serves the Athens metro region. (706) 549-3203

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