Pittman Plastic Surgery

Here comes the sun…

Sun Protection and Your Skin

With Spring Break just around the corner, it seems like a good time to talk about sun exposure. Did you know that 90% of the visible signs of aging come from exposure to ultraviolet light? Thus the term photo-aging. We also know that the cumulative dose of UV radiation over our lifetime is important and that 70% is received by age 20. No do-overs. What damage is done, is done.

The effects of UV radiation (natural sun OR tanning beds) are:

  • age spots
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • rough skin
  • skin laxity
  • sallowness (complexion)
  • hyperpigmentation (discoloration)
  • skin cancer

So what can we do now to protect and improve our skin?


The best sunscreens contain micronized zinc or titanium oxide. These formulations go on clear and block harmful UV rays. Apply before you go out and reapply frequently. I recommend Obagi Healthy Skin Protection.


Our grandmother knew the benefit of wide-brim hats, long-sleeved shirts, and gloves when venturing out to the garden. Modern textiles exist that block a significant portion of the UV light, yet are cool and comfortable to wear. Don’t forget your hat and a good pair of sunglasses to protect the eyes.


A comprehensive skincare program is important not only to protect the skin but also to correct some of the damage. One of our favorite programs is the Obagi Nu-Derm System. With a complimentary consultation, we will tailor a skincare program specifically for you. These products are prescription strength designed to prevent and improve the most common and visible disorders in adult skin. A prescription-strength Retinol is frequently included to boost and accelerate the result.


At Pittman Plastic Surgery we have just launched a new chemical peel designed for a wide range of patients. This is a light peel that is done over your lunch break and does not require anesthesia. The best result is achieved with a series of 4 to 5 peels and delivers a result similar to the full-strength acid peels but without the 2-3 week downtime. Usually done on the face, these peels can also be used on the hands and décolletage area. They are also great as a quick fix prior to a wedding or special event.


The crow’s feet really benefit from Botox prior to spending time in the sun. It is natural to squint a lot when outdoors, but if those crows’ feet aren’t treated, deep lines can occur. Once established, they can be difficult to impossible to remove. Be proactive and avoid the problem.


Have you been bothered by the aged appearance of your hands? This is an area frequently overlooked. If the skin has become loose, an injection of Radiesse does a great job of plumping the area and rejuvenating your appearance. The procedure is quick and painless with minimal downtime.

So, there is hope and it really is not as hard as you think. Once you are in the routine and see the benefits, you will be wondering why you waited so long to get started. Have a great trip, enjoy being outdoors, and learn to manage the sun!

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